
Message parsers for each message type


AttachedIOMessage Peripheral attach and detach message
HubPropertiesMessage Used to get data on the hub as well as button press information on the hub
Message Base class for each message parser.
PortComboValueMessage Multiple (combination) value updates from different modes of a sensor
PortInformationMessage Information on what modes are supported on a port and whether a port is input/output.
PortModeInformationMessage Information on a specific mode
PortOutputFeedbackMessage Ack messages/error messages sent in response to a command being issued to the hub
PortValueMessage Single value update from a sensor


exception bricknil.messages.UnknownMessageError[source]

Bases: Exception

class bricknil.messages.Message[source]

Bases: object

Base class for each message parser.

This class instance keeps track of each subclass and stores an object of each subclass in the attribue parsers. None of these subclass instances should ever store any instance data since these are shared across multiple hubs.


msg_type (int) -> Message parser


msg_type of each subclassed message

parsers = {1: <bricknil.messages.HubPropertiesMessage object>, 4: <bricknil.messages.AttachedIOMessage object>, 67: <bricknil.messages.PortInformationMessage object>, 68: <bricknil.messages.PortModeInformationMessage object>, 69: <bricknil.messages.PortValueMessage object>, 70: <bricknil.messages.PortComboValueMessage object>, 130: <bricknil.messages.PortOutputFeedbackMessage object>}
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.
class bricknil.messages.PortValueMessage[source]

Bases: bricknil.messages.Message

Single value update from a sensor

msg_type = 69
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.
class bricknil.messages.PortComboValueMessage[source]

Bases: bricknil.messages.Message

Multiple (combination) value updates from different modes of a sensor

msg_type = 70
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.
class bricknil.messages.HubPropertiesMessage[source]

Bases: bricknil.messages.Message

Used to get data on the hub as well as button press information on the hub

msg_type = 1
prop_names = {1: 'Advertising Name', 2: 'Button', 3: 'FW Version', 4: 'HW Version', 5: 'RSSI', 6: 'Battery Voltage', 7: 'Battery Type', 8: 'Manufacturer Name', 9: 'Radio FW Version', 10: 'LEGO Wireles Protocol Version', 11: 'System Type ID', 12: 'HW Network ID', 13: 'Primary MAC address', 14: 'Seconary MAC address', 15: 'HW Network Family'}
operation_names = {1: 'Set (downstream)', 2: 'Enable Updates (Downstream)', 3: 'Disable Updates (Downstream)', 4: 'Reset (Downstream)', 5: 'Request Update (Downstream)', 6: 'Update (Upstream)'}
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.
class bricknil.messages.PortInformationMessage[source]

Bases: bricknil.messages.Message

Information on what modes are supported on a port and whether a port is input/output.

msg_type = 67
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.
class bricknil.messages.PortOutputFeedbackMessage[source]

Bases: bricknil.messages.Message

Ack messages/error messages sent in response to a command being issued to the hub

msg_type = 130
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.
class bricknil.messages.PortModeInformationMessage[source]

Bases: bricknil.messages.Message

Information on a specific mode

This tells us a mode’s name, what numeric format it uses, and it’s range.

msg_type = 68
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.
class bricknil.messages.AttachedIOMessage[source]

Bases: bricknil.messages.Message

Peripheral attach and detach message

msg_type = 4
parse(msg_bytes, l, dispatcher)[source]

Implement this handle parsing of each message body type.

  • msg_bytes (bytearray) – Message body
  • l (list) – text description of what’s being parsed for logging (just append details as you go along)
  • dispatcher (bricknil.message_dispatch.MessageDispatch) – The dispatch object that is sending messages. Call back into its methods to send messages back to the hub.